
Distributors Wanted

Published at:
July 23, 2014

Expand your business today!

DSPA.nl is a leading manufacturer of highly innovative aerosol generators, which can be used for fire extinguishing and suppression purposes. Our products are used all over the world by governments, fire fighters, first responders and various industries. DSPA.nl strives to provide exceptional value to our customers with an intense focus on quality, reliability, service and innovative product development. This provides a foundation for DSPA.nl’s profitable global growth.

Why be a DSPA distributor?

  • DSPA.nl is part of the AFG Group with over 25 years of experience in the field of fire safety
  • DSPA.nl is a company built on trust and relationships with our customers
  • Worldwide experience of successfully working in many cultures and environments
  • DSPA systems are certified to the highest quality standards
  • DSPA systems are innovative and versatile for numerous applications
  • We have a long term record of working side by side with distributors providing support and prompt reactivity

DSPA Help & Support

  • We listen to our customers and understand their daily challenges
  • Long term commitment to our loyal partners
  • Intensive sales and marketing support
  • A strong global branding

Expand your business now

Join DSPA’s rapidly expanding network of high performing distributors to grow your business, increase profits and market share. If you are interested please send us your contact details or call us at +31 (0) 24 35 22 573